Innovative Technologies and Solutions for your Painting Needs.

Asiatec Coatings (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Specialties Product List

Typical Uses: Protection of military equipment, mothballing of industrial facilities, electronics component, re-bars, industrial unit operations and preservation of military vehicles.

Corrosion Inhibitors

Typical Uses:  Tanks, Armoured Personal Carriers, 4 X 4 reconnaissance vehicle, logistic support vehicles, vehicles deployed in high risks area, helicopters and aircrafts

Text Box: Anti-ballistic Composites

Typical Uses: Government buildings, military installations, embassies, mass transit vehicles, water and wastewater facilities, marine vessels, power generation facilities, petrochemical facilities, port authorities, airports, nuclear facilities and military vehicles

Blast Mitigation Materials

Typical Uses: Tanks,  Armoured Personal Carriers and thermal camouflaging cream for infantry troops.

Signature Reduction Technology